Apr 30, 2012

Jennifer Joyce Kesse - 2006 - Orlando, FL

Jennifer Kesse was last contacted via phone at approximately 10:00pm at her residence in the vicinity of the 3700 block of Conroy Rd. in Orlando, FL. It is presumed she left for work around 8:00am the following morning. Her vehicle, described as a black four door 2004 Chevy Malibu, was located several days later at an apartment complex one mile from her residence in the vicinity of Texas and Americana in Orlando, FL.

Classification:  Endangered Missing Adult
Alias / Nickname:  Jenn 
Date of Birth:  1981-05-20 
Date Missing:  2006-01-24 
From City/State:  Orlando, FL 
Missing From (Country):  USA 
Age at Time of Disappearance:  24 
Gender:  Female 
Race:  White 
Height:  5' 8"
Weight:  130 pounds 
Hair Color:  Blonde 
Eye Color:  Green 
Complexion:  Medium 
Glasses/Contacts Description:  Clear contacts. 
Identifying Characteristics:  Double pierced ears, tattoo of a small "shamrock" on left side of buttock below the bikini line, birthmark on left middle finger, skin tags on outside of left hand, non-raised faded strawberry birthmark on rib area, surgical scars on left elbow, cleft in chin, dark eyebrows. 
Jewelry:  Possibly wearing a diamond necklace with three stones which represent past, present, and future. 
Circumstances of Disappearance:  Unknown.
Investigative Agency:  City of Orlando Police Department 
Phone:  (321) 235-5300 
Alternate Phone:  (407) 246-2962 
Investigative Case #:  06-32039 
NCIC #:  M-95548802

If you believe you have any information regarding this case that will be helpful in this investigation please contact:
City of Orlando Police Department at (321) 235-5300

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