Apr 30, 2012

Loretta Ann Logue - 2006 - Baltimore, MD

Loretta was last seen at her residence in Baltimore Maryland and spoke to her husband on the phone 20 minutes before she vanished. Nothing was amiss in the home and all of her belongings were left behind except for a set of house keys.
Loretta is a recovering heroin addict and has been clean for 14 months and on the methadone treatment program which had been successful. She calls her mother daily and loves her family; she has not been heard from or seen by anyone.

Date of Birth: 7/16/1960
Date Missing: 11/6/2006
Age at time of disappearance: 46
Height: 5'6
Weight: 110
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown (with a gray streak on the right side)
Case Number: # 06-2K6922 Badge Number Officer 1705 (Jurado)
Report taken at CUE: Baltimore Police Department SE District on 2/6/2007

If you believe you have any information regarding this case that will be helpful in the investigation, please contact the CUE Center for Missing Persons.

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