May 20, 2012

Additional resource: LostNMissing

Link to LostNMissing Website

Home Page to LostNMissing a fellow Organization to help families through these tough times.  Their flyers are not your run of the mill alert flyers, they are beautifully crafted, lovingly double checked and shared to the world for maximum attention.  They have many other services as well!

Please go to their website and see all of their resources.


 Families of missing loved ones need hope when they are down.

Assigned tasks for strength, when they are weak. 

Clarity, when they are frustrated.

Actions when it seems all has come to a stand-still.

Unity, when they feel they are alone.

Guidance, when they are experiencing set-backs.

Normalcy, when things are maddening.

Plans, when things are confusing.

Above all, they need their missing loved ones.

 LostNMissing works, with priority,  for all our families to

 do all possible to bring their loved ones home.

Always with professionalism and the family's needs first.

written by Cynthia Caron,
President-Founder, LostNMissing Inc


  1. Thank you. That was very kind of you. I will be sure to add your link to our site, as well. I am a firm believer in the more organizations that can work together for families of missing is a definite positive! Again, thank you.


    Cynthia Caron
    LostNMissing Inc 501c3 Nonprofit

  2. Absolutely! The best way for a family member to be supported is to know what is out there and available. We want them armed with as much help as they can get! You do wonderful work and we are glad to tell the world about it =) Have a great day!

  3. This is why it is so important for each org to be branches for each other. When my Mom went missing in 2000 I didn't know any organizations. Even in 2007 when I got connected with Gloria Denton, I still barely knew about organizations. But she hooked me up with a couple and I am forever grateful However, I wish I had known about more than just the two I worked with. It would have been good to have all of those resources when I needed them. Cynthia, your flyers are beautiful and they add humanization and softness to each person. My Mom was rather rough looking so her Missing posters looked more like a mug shot. I wish I knew about you when I needed you. But glad to know about you now!
