May 11, 2012

Crystal Gail Soles - 2005 - Andrews, SC

Crystal Gail SolesCrystal was last seen in the morning hours at the Shaw's Corner Store in the vicinity of Jones Ave. and Main St. in Andrews, SC.
Classification:  Endangered Missing Adult 
Alias / Nickname:  Frog 
Date of Birth:  1976-11-10 
Date Missing:  2005-01-24 
From City/State:  Andrews, SC 
Missing From (Country):  USA 
Age at Time of Disappearance:  28 
Gender:  Female 
Race:  White 
Height:  65 inches 
Weight:  135 pounds 
Hair Color:  Blonde 
Eye Color:  Blue 
Complexion:  Medium 
Identifying Characteristics:  Double pierced ears. 
Jewelry:  Numberous rings, watch worn on left wrist. 
Circumstances of Disappearance:  Unknown.
Investigative Case #:  05-02232 

If you believe you have any information regarding this case that will be helpful in this investigation please contact the Andrews Police Department at (843) 264-5223

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