Jun 3, 2012

Find Kristen Website


This is a link to a website created by Dennis Mahon, a friend of the Modafferi's, to help locate information regarding Kristen's whereabouts.  Please take a look!!


Official FBI statistics say that 76.4% of the time, when a woman meets with foul play - she knew her assailant(s). An FBI agent told me personally that the percentage is much higher: 'It's more like 90%", he said.

Take your pick. The odds are between 76.4% and 90.0% that Kristen Modafferi knew whoever the person(s) are that caused her harm.

ImportantKristen was only in the Bay Area for 23 days. June 1st, 1997 - June 23rd, 1997 before she vanished. She barely knew anyone.

As far as we know - she only knew about 30-35 people. Just based on the FBI stats - there is a very good chance that one of these 30-35 people at the very least have some kind of information relative to Kristen's disappearance.

With the exception of Jon Onuma, every name listed on the left hand side of this webpage is listed only because they had some contact with Kristen in her short stay in the San Fran Bay Area. (Roommates,  co-workers and a few friends).

They got to meet her. That is it.

Names listed beneath Jon Onuma (in blue) are listed only because I came to learn of their identity through looking at Jon Onuma. Everyone listed - except Jon Onuma - is presumed completely innocent.

I have always felt that the FBI stat is an important one and with the power of Google and Facebook - it would be irresponsible to Kristen to not at least try this in an effort to gain some info as to what happened to her back on June 23rd, 1997.
Dennis Mahon

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