May 16, 2012

Among the Ghost of Yesteryear.. A Poem by April's Mom Gloria.

Among the Ghost Yesteryear

by Gloria Denton on Sunday, February 19, 2012 at 2:04pm ·
Among the ghost yesteryear
By Gloria Denton

No candle, no cake, no happy Birthday song.
April Beth, you’ve been missing way too long.

Again today, I will stare at your pictures on the wall.
I beam with pride for you and stand six feet tall.

Lord, how much longer will this go on,
It’s been almost eight years, and I recall the first day she was gone.

Why does she have to be missing year after year?
Oh Lord, give her back and dry away my tears.

It was just a few short weeks ago,
I saw the picture for the very first time, an image forever painted in my mind.
Taken deep beneath the sands in the desert town of Ludlow.

Standing was a dusty handmade wooden cross, all I could do was stare at it and cry.
Around the base was a perfect circle of rocks. As I looked at this all I’m thinking is Why? Why?

At the bottom of a cold dark mine, buried with the ghost from yesteryear.
Stands this cross and several clues they left behind. Were you already gone or taking down by overwhelming fear.

So once more we will take out the shovels and picks,
Bucket by bucket, we’ll sift through the sand, as I sit at home watching the clock as it ticks.

I ask you Lord, to come sit and hold my hand, while I sit at home waiting on the phone to ring,
I’ll reflect on memories, especially this special day.
I turn to you Lord for comfort, by faith I do cling.
Without you, I could not walk down this saddened pathway.

Every time I left there, I knew I was leaving you,
the emotions overcame me every time I left. Satan’s mocking words,” in death you failed April too”.

Oh Lord ease the pain within, remove Satan’s net.  If nothing else, I know one thing that is sure, today was the happiest day holing you in my own childlike arms.
My love for you was beyond measure and perfectly pure, your little face was the porcelain made charm.

Today I love you even so much more, I thank god for the time we shared together.
My love for you is unconditional that’s for sure. And I will cling to Gods promises this won’t last, but one day we will have forever!

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