May 11, 2012

Keys to Healing Retreat - Project Jason 2012

Project Jason Keys to Healing Retreat

All Photos and text are from the Project Jason Website

Keys to Healing: Mind, Body, and Spirittm
Project Jason Retreat

Keys to Healing Retreat
We who live with the unique reality of having a missing loved one know the difficulties we face in this situation. We know the emotions and the frustrations. None of us living with what is called "an ambiguous loss" knows how long this journey will last, so it’s important that we do all that we do what we can to keep ourselves mentally, physically, and spiritually strong for the day we have our answers.

These are the Keys to Healing, the keys to help you face each day as best you can
without your missing loved one.
We feel this is such an important and needed venture. To our knowledge, there is no other open invitation retreat for families in the US.
Our Keys to Healing Retreat, held each year beginning on Friday and ending Sunday afternoon, embraces you with sessions that address the mind, body, and spirit. Our principal trainer is Duane Bowers, LPC, the nation’s foremost traumatic loss therapist and educator. Among his many services to families dealing with grief is providing support to families of abducted, missing, exploited and murdered children through the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and to families of missing persons of any age through Project Jason’s Healing Harbor. Bowers is the author of “Guiding Your Family Through Loss and Grief” and “A Child is Missing: Providing Support for Families of Missing Children.”
Duane Bowers
The Project Jason Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the 4th annual Keys to Healing Retreat will take place August 10-12, 2012. The retreat is open to family members of missing persons whose cases are listed with law enforcement agencies in North America. Classes offered during the retreat will cover all aspects of living in the "not knowing," with a focus on mental, spiritual, and physical healing.
Class descriptions and pricing will be announced at a later date. Pricing will be determined by any grants, corporate or private sponsorships received prior to the opening of registration for the event in 2012. Project Jason's ultimate goal is to be able to offer the retreat at no charge. Short of that, we will always offer a discount that we subsidize.
The Keys to Healing will again take place at the Swanson Center, a spacious, comfortable, and scenic retreat center near Omaha, NE. The entire center has been booked to ensure the most private and peaceful of experiences for the attendees.
Swanson Center
A personal message from Kelly Jolkowski, president and founder of Project Jason:
"I have been blessed during the nine years since the disappearance of my son, Jason, to have had a good support system, faith for the journey, and training to gain an understand of what is happening inside me and how to handle a variety of situations as they come along. I have learned to laugh again and experience joy, while at the same time keeping the search for my son active. I could not possibly box up what I learned and send it to you, but I can give it to you in the Keys to Healing retreat.
"So, this is my gift to you from me and Project Jason. I hope you’ll be able be able to join us."
Kelly Jolkowski, Mother of Missing Jason Jolkowski
President and Founder,
Project Jason
2009 Keys to Healing
Are you ready?
Feel free to pass this message along to other families of the missing you know. We're very excited about this, and dozens of families who have been through this retreat are just as excited. We hope that you are too.
Questions? Ask away!
Want to help? We welcome monetary donations to help reach our ultimate goal of offering this retreat free of charge to families of the missing. We also have a wish list of items needed for the retreat that you may donate.
Donations of any kind are not accepted from families of the missing, only from those who support our efforts to assist them in their journeys.

All Photos and text are from the Project Jason Website

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